
An intricate private/public key encryption system used to keep your messages safe! Private keys are used to decrypt messages and public keys are used to encrypt them.


setkey: global.setkey, //Default
getkey: global.getKey, //Default
encrypt: global.encrypt, //Default
decrypt: global.decrypt //Default

+setkey {key}


Used to set your private key and get a public key. It will send a copy of your private key to your DM. KEEP IT SAFE

Example: +setkey bananas - Sets your private key to "bananas" and generates a public key.

+getkey {user}

Used to get the public key of a user to encrypt messages.

Example: +getkey @Aplet123#9551 - Gets Aplet123's public key.

+encrypt [FLAGS] (public key) {text}

Used to encrypt text. Note that you must keep the [](){} for it to work. FLAG is a comma-separated list of flags, where the possible flags are KEEP to keep the message instead of deleting it and PM to send the result to PM. Note that if public key is kept empty(()), it will use your public key.

Example: +encrypt [PM] () {apple} - Encrypts apple with your public key and sends it to PM.

+decrypt [private key] {text}

Used to decrypt text. Note that you must keep the []{} for it to work and that if public key is kept empty(()), it will use your public key.

Example: +decrypt [] {ljfjjnl} - Decrypts ljfjjnl with your private key.

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