


mute: global.mute,
pmute: global.pmute,
unmute: global.unmute,
mutetime: global.mutetime //Default


Muting is a common task for moderators. Know that guy that always joins the server and keeps spamming like a crazy bones? So. We've got you covered. Muting is one of the things that Salt specializes at, but let's go step-by-step, and also do some troubleshooting at the end.

Mute and Pmute

Those are the muting commands: +mute and +pmute. Let's understand them.

+mute mutes a given user (mentioned!) for a specific amount of time, provided as a number (for minutes) OR Date String, while +pmute mutes permanently. Let's understand Date Strings, as those are common questions.

Date Strings

Date String is something people get confused at, so here's a VERY IMPORTANT note about it. IT MUST BE PUT BETWEEN DOUBLE QUOTES. (Only the case for this command. For the remind command, it uses brackets {} instead)

Now, how to use date strings? Let's look at the mute syntax.

+mute @User#1234 time reason

Good, a pretty simple syntax. At time, you write a number to use it in minutes, OR a Date String. To use a number, let's give an example:

+mute @User#1234 15 Spamming

There, we just muted User for 15 minutes, with reason of "Spamming". But how do we use Date Strings? Their format is simple (AND THE ORDER MUST BE FOLLOWED): ?w (for weeks), ?d (days), ?h (hours), ?m (minutes) and ?s (seconds).

Unfortunately, you can't write minutes, seconds, etc, you have to write it like that. So, let's say a person did some really bad spam and you want to mute them for 1 day, 7 hours, 2 minutes and 1 second. Syntax:

+mute @User#1234 "1d 7h 2m 1s" Massive Spam

Notice the double quotes around it. Yes they are required, even if you are writing just 1d, for example. And the point of date strings are simple, to not have to use calculators to calculate the amount of minutes to mute for! Neat, right?


Pmute is pretty much simple. You do the command, and the user affected is muted permanently. Oh, but don't worry. They can be unmuted, like always. Syntax? Simple enough.

+pmute @User#1234 reason

Yes, very simple. Simple enough for the eyes...and for your fingers.


Unmute is also as simple as Pmute. It's actually the exact same syntax:

+unmute @User#1234 reason

Simple, simple, simple. Simplicity is key here. That's the point of Salt: To ease your lives. ;)


Mutetime, also in category of moderation, is just to get the time left muted for you or someone else. Writing just +mutetime will return your own time left, while writing +mutetime @User#1234 will return the time left muted for said user, if they are muted, that is.


Common trouble that people have at muting is...

  1. Salt doesn't give the SaltMuted role for some reason. For that case, you need to check two things: One if the bot can manage roles, and two if the SaltMuted role is UNDER Salt's highest role. Believe me or not, but this IS a common issue.

  2. Muted people are speaking normally and fluently. The most common problem that leads to this issue is that people give user permission overwrites at channels. If you're going to give user permission overwrites, don't tick the permission Send Messages, that makes it bypass SaltMuted always. Another problem is that a role has Send Messages ticked - check for that. And the less common problem here is that they have the Administrator permission, making them bypass SaltMuted. So check for those 3 things!

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